The Energetic Landscape FAQs




What is Meditation?

Growing Centered & Attuned

There are many ways to meditate—some people sit quietly, breathing in a mindful way. Others garden, paint or walk. Meditation ultimately involves quieting the mind to let the spirit speak to the body.

As we let go of intense thoughts & calm our emotions, we can relate to ourselves & others with more neutrality & compassion, from a centered space. Concentration & memory improve, while the body heals more easily. Our intuitive abilities also have an opportunity to open when we become quiet within. In this way, meditation allows us to feel refreshed, aware & more prepared for our lives.


What Is the Energy Body?

Your Spirit’s Unique Form

Our spirits are made from energy. When we incarnate, or have a life, our spirit gets housed in our physical bodies. For people, this energy body is shaped like a human body. This lets it rest easily inside our physical forms.

Chakras are centers in the energy body—7 major chakras rise up the spine to the top of the head. Each chakra helps us develop certain skills & traits. For instance, the 1st chakra at the base of the spine contains energy that helps us develop a secure foundation that we can build our lives upon. Each chakra generates a layer of the aura, which is a protective field of energy that surrounds the physical body. The aura defines your personal space, while its changing colors allow your spirit to express itself.

On one level, we are composed entirely of energy—even our physical bodies are ultimately made of concentrated energy. By balancing & strengthening the energy body, we let our spirits work more deeply in our lives while strengthening our physical selves, too.


What Is Energy Healing?

Revitalizing & Cleansing the Spirit

Like a physical body gathering dirt, our subtle energy bodies take on foreign energy. As they process the stimuli that we’re exposed to each day, intense emotions & thoughts can build up as energetic debris. This can block our ability to feel our true emotions, think clearly & access our innate power.

Our subtle bodies are responsible for releasing this charged energy, yet this can prove challenging without help. Like our physical bodies, the energy body thus benefits from regular cleanings. An energy healing provides a gentle yet thorough “bath,” in a sense.

As a healer releases energy from your aura, chakras & body, they create space for your own replenishing energy to return. Your emotions & thoughts can transform & your body heal as your spirit connects in more deeply, helping your entire system to renew.