Restoring Body & Spirit
Our animals can be impacted emotionally & physically by their experiences. Old emotional patterns & the memories of injuries & illnesses can get stored in the body. Yet even if our animals have not faced trauma or health challenges, they are still exposed to the emotions, thoughts & energy that pass through the home or stable. This charged energy can build up, affecting their health, mood, behavior & ways of relating.
In a healing, we clear away this foreign energy. As healing light washes through our animals’ bodies & energy fields, it cleanses & refreshes them like a bath. Illness, tension & behavior issues can clear as the healing energy moves where it is needed.
In this way, we refresh our animals’ connections to their bodies & spirits. Feeling restored, they can focus more on growing & enjoying life, & our bonds with them can deepen.

The Benefits of Healings
Supporting Lasting Change
Energy work can bring healing to a specific issue, such as an emotional concern, behavior challenge or physical issue. Below, please find examples of situations in which energy healings are helpful.
For Vet Visits & Medical Concerns:
• The body recovers at a faster rate following a healing—cells, tissue, blood, etc. have been shown to regenerate more quickly & to heal on deeper levels following a healing.
• Healings reinforce the aura, creating a protective buffer that helps animals feel more comfortable & secure during vet exams & medical procedures.
• By strengthening an animal’s protective aura, healings also help animals take on less of the worry, fear & charged energy they may encounter at the vet or from us.
For Behavior Challenges & Training
• Healings can be the “missing link” when we’re dealing with behavior challenges. Creating an energetic bridge between spirit & body, healings help animals take in training & guidance more easily. In tune with their spirits & able to think more clearly, they can relate from a mindful, loving perspective rather than in primal, instinctive ways.
• As empaths, animals sometimes act out due to tensions that they sense in the home or stable. Healings help them release this foreign energy, so they can feel calm, composed & responsive to our positive guidance.
For Emotional Healing:
• Animals can experience strong emotions, such as fear, sadness & grief. To help them release troubling emotions, we can wash healing energy through their fields & hearts. Doing so, we create space for their own spirits & joy to return.
• Animals who have experienced trauma can carry intense memories in their bodies & fields. Healing energy helps memories & conditioning release from the body & mind, as the animals’ hearts & spirits are also given space to heal. This can help them regain a sense of trust & inner peace while it also helps them experience more spontaneity & ease in the body.
• With healing energy strengthening their auras, hypervigilant animals can also feel more secure & protected from intense emotions, energy & events around them.
For Competition & Performance
• Animals perform with greater ease & confidence after a healing. They can maintain a fluid, dynamic presence on the field & attune more easily to riders, handlers & trainers.
• Animals can also access deeper reservoirs of strength & endurance when foreign energy that blocks their body’s natural flow is released.
• Strong energetic boundaries help animals maintain their focus in public, while healings also help animals release energy & emotions that they pick up on the field & from an audience.
For Aging Animals:
• A healing can ease an aging animal’s physical pain while it also strengthens the body, spirit & mind.
• Healings help emotions settle, tensions release & thoughts align. Feeling more present & renewed, our animals can continue to connect deeply with us as they move forward on their paths.
• By healing parts of the energy body that activate when an animal crosses over, we can help animals transition with their spiritual energy & lessons from this lifetime intact. With their fields replenished & their energetic boundaries strengthened, they can navigate “the great beyond” with awareness, inspiration & strength.

Kinds of Animal Healing Sessions
Aura & Chakra Healing
In this healing, cleansing energy washes through the chakras & the different layers of the aura, as well as the body’s major meridians. Animals can feel calmer, more energized & emotionally lighter, with their energy systems flushed out, then filled with healing energy. With their auras buffered & strengthened, they will also take on less of the emotions & energy in their environments. This way, they can relate with greater composure & maintain stronger emotional & physical health.
60 Minutes $120
30 Minutes $70
Body Healing
This healing focuses on releasing toxins, illness patterns & the memory of old injuries from the physical body. The organs, glandular system, blood, etc. receive assistance in clearing imbalances & taking in healing energy, which prepares them for a higher level of health & comfort. This kind of healing is particularly helpful for senior animals & animals recovering from an illness or injury, as well as as a preventative support.
A special focus is placed on the body type specific to your animal—physical features particular to this species receive healing energy & gentle grounding.
60 Minutes $120
30 Minutes $70
Female or Male Healing
Following a pranic healing for the chakras & aura, your animal’s female or male energy centers receive healing care. After replenishing them, healing energy is woven between the female or male energy centers & the chakras, aura & physical body, helping them to harmonize.
Often, when a behavior or emotional issue has been difficult to clear, a healing for the female or male space helps the issue to release. An animal can feel more spontaneous, rested & complete following such healings.
60 Minutes $140
30 Minutes $80
Conception to Birth Healing
Clearing energy that an animal was exposed to in the womb or egg, this healing helps them reclaim the personal essence they came in with at the time of conception.
Some animals experience traumatic births in environments that are not stable or supportive. For this reason, this healing can be transformative, as it helps animals to release longstanding trauma. Other animals benefit from accessing the blueprint they created for their lives, prior to conception—if they have experienced challenges, this healing can help them renew their connection to their inner self.
These healings are species-specific—they take into account the manner in which your animal’s species gestates, with attention paid to time span of gestation & manner of birth.
60 Minutes $160
Transition into Spirit Healing
This healing supports animal who are preparing to pass over. It strengthens the parts of the energy body that become active during the transition process, as certain chakras & regions of the energy field activate more deeply to facilitate this change. This allows an animal to maintain greater awareness & energetic stability as they disconnect from their bodies & pass through different planes of the afterlife while transitioning. The animal’s connection with their Akashic Records is also given support, which allows them to process their life experiences in a balanced, creative way & prepare more easily for their next lives.
Animals who have died in an unexpected or traumatic way can experience difficulty passing over completely, too. A transition healing can be shared with their spirits, with a focus on the part of the energy body that stays active once they pass on. With this assistance, their spirits can feel supported, & they can better understand what has happened to them. Reclaiming their sense of self-direction, they can move forward if they have gotten stuck while transitioning.
60 Minutes $160
Flash Healing
A healing can focus on specifics, like those described above, yet healing energy can also simply be shared for a set period of time. After grounding your animal energetically & refreshing their aura, a scan of their field & body can show where healing is needed, & a cleansing, replenishing energy can be shared with these areas.
15 Minutes $45
Additional Time
Time can be added during healing sessions in 15-minute increments.
Fee: $45 per 15 minutes
Flower Essences & Gemstones
During in-person & remote sessions, flower essences & gemstones can be incorporated into healings for an additional charge.
Fee: $25
Cancellation Policy
Optional Follow-Up Work
Gemstones & Flower Essences
Recommendations for flower essences & gemstones are shared as part of a session, at no additional cost. Using them, you can help your animal to connect with the healing support that nature provides. These healing modalities can be used for yourself, your animal & your home.
Healing for Animal Guardians
Sometimes, our animals want us to focus on self-healing—we can help our animals by finding inner balance ourselves. If you would like to request a personal healing or clairvoyant reading for yourself, so you are in sync with your animal, sessions for guardians are available.
Suggestions for flower essences, gemstones & aromatherapy can be shared during a personal healing, too. These healing tools can help you open on a deeper level, strengthen your bond with your animal & establish a positive, balanced atmosphere in the home.
Energy Clearings for Home & Stable
An energy clearing for the home, stable or stall can be arranged if we find that your animal's living space carries charged, stagnant or otherwise imbalanced energy. A house or stable clearing can help to restore balance to an animal's home—this way, the animal can focus more on their own growth, as they engage more fully with you.

Receiving an Energy Healing
If you are curious about how to prepare for an animal-centered healing, please read the following description of how to mindfully establish a space for a grounded healing to occur.
Prior to a healing, your healer will also establish a protected, clear healing space with well-defined energetic boundaries. This way, the animal, guardian & healer do not take on each other's energies or emotions while relating energetically.
Location of Energy Healings
At this time, healings are generally being performed long-distance. The healing energy travels to the animal regardless of distance, guided by the healer's intent. With a description of your animal or a photo, a connection can be made & healing energy shared.
For those in the Athens, Ga area, it may be possible to perform healings outdoors or, if residents are not dealing with the coronavirus, indoors. An additional fee of $30 will be charged for travel expenses.
Preparing for a Healing
If your companion animal is scheduled to receive a healing, please try to ensure that they are in a quiet space with low levels of stimulation during the time set aside for the healing.
If you do not have time to focus on settling down, please do not feel concerned. The healing energy will be shared in a restorative, soothing way that sets a balanced, calm tone regardless of any prior activities that your animal was engaged in.
An animal will still receive the healing energy if running around, eating or otherwise engaged, but it is good to approach this time in a grounded manner. Shifts can occur in the physical body as foreign energy is removed, so it is best if the animal is not at a dog park or climbing a tree, for instance.
If you do not have time to focus on settling down, please do not feel concerned. The healing energy will be shared in a restorative, soothing way that sets a balanced, calm tone regardless of any prior activities that your animal was engaged in.
Participation & Sharing the Results of a Healing
We can meet over Zoom at the start of your animal’s healing to briefly dialogue about the focus you’d like the healing to take. You can either stay on as I share the healing or come back for the last 5 minutes, when I can discuss what I observed.
Alternately, we do not need to meet at all—I can simply share the long-distance healing, then send a short email description of what I saw transforming in your animal’s field during the healing.
Recommendations for flower essences & gemstones can be shared by email or at the healing’s end.