Autumn Workshops

Wake your spirit like the colors

wake the autumn fields


Take time to relax in a meditative workshop, exploring a variety of spiritual topics. Emerge with a new set of skills & understandings regarding a subject that piques your curiosity. 

Workshops at Ancient Suns mix creative, meditative activities with new concepts, to present ideas about working with energy in a fresh way. Workshop topics draw from fields such as nature spirituality, abundance practices, interspecies communication, grief recovery & energy healing.

Workshop Registration & Location

Most workshops are currently held on Zoom—classes held in-person in Athens, Ga. will be indicated.

Workshop registration opens in the scheduling system 2 months in advance of each workshop. If you’d like to register prior to that to reserve your place, please email or use the Contact form.



September Workshops

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Update Your Workspace Energetically

Saturday, September 7, 2024 11 AM-1 PM ET

Learn how to bring your workspace into alignment with your spirit, so you can work in a vibrant setting matched to your energy & goals.

Explore practical techniques to release unwanted energy from your work area as you establish energetic boundaries in the space. To maintain productivity, set your workspace for a creative focus, positive communications & dynamic flow. Refresh your networking energy using techniques to strengthen long-distance connections & clear charged energy from computers, phones, etc.

We will close by discussing gemstones, aromatherapy & flower essences that wake creativity, set boundaries & create a calm yet dynamically responsive work environment.

$35 | $30 for enrolled students


Autumn Equinox Meditation

Sunday, September 22, 2024 7-9 pm ET

On the autumn equinox, day & night are of equal length. The force of growth gives way to the quieter work of rest & renewal. At this time, we honor what we have harvested beneath the sun, & we take up the tools we will need for the inner journeying of winter.

The wisdom of this time lies in honoring the forces of destruction, completion & change. Come explore your relationship to transformation in a mindfulness meditation. In a crossroads ceremony, gift yourself with energetic tools that can help you move skillfully down new paths. Close with a guided meditation on the mysteries of the equinox & the teachings that it shares.




October Workshops


Connecting to the Divine Feminine

Saturday, October 12, 2024 11 AM-1 PM ET

The Divine Feminine is a healing, empowering force. As we connect with this goddess vibration, we can attune to the deeper mysteries within ourselves & the world of nature.

Wake the energy of the Divine Feminine by exploring your relationship to different female archetypes, such as the Priestess, Warrior Maid, Dark Madonna & Wise Woman. Using your intuitive abilities, explore your own female essence, aligning body & spirit to the sacred feminine. Close with a healing—learn how to call upon the Divine Mother in a replenishing, nurturing healing that activates the creative powers of the feminine deep within.

Create a space for the Divine Feminine to manifest in your life— intuitive tools & healing energy can ground your relationship with this profound force.

$35 | $30 for enrolled students


The Nature Spirits of Autumn

Saturday, October 26, 2024 11 AM-1 PM

In autumn, wild forces awaken in the water, land & sky. The world prepares for the visionary dreaming that takes place as we journey through the winter.

As colors fade in the fields, fire elementals, a unique class of nature spirits, begin their work of refining the greenery left from summer. Air elementals dance, bringing strong winds from the wilder reaches of the sky. Deep in the land, vibrant gems teach mysteries to those whose spirits touch their caves.

Experience the forces that become active this season—attune to the nature spirits who help the Earth begin her dreaming & who invite us to transform, too, in autumn’s refining fires.

The workshop is 4th in a 4-part series that teaches about nature spirits & the elements by exploring how to connect with them each season. We will consider the role that key plant, tree & gemstone spirits play each season as well as the teachings of the elements that are active at these times.

$35 | $30 for enrolled students



November Workshops

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Healing the Energy of Debt

Saturday, November 2, 2024 11 AM-1 PM ET

When we carry debt, we can experience difficulty meeting our needs & trusting our ability to make decisions. The energy of debt can also feel heavy, even punishing. Take charge by learning how to balance & direct this energy.

As you release charged or stagnant energy from your debt space, learn how to set it at a more neutral, grounded vibration. Bring healing energy into your financial space so that any debt you carry does not drain you but is actively set to release.

To close, learn techniques to awaken your abundance, aligning it to your highest purpose, so you can draw in what you need to thrive & clear debt more easily.

$35 | $30 for enrolled students


Animal Spirit Guides

Saturday, November 19, 2024 11 AM-1 PM ET

Throughout history, people from every culture have honored & worked with animal spirit guides. These guides visit us in dreams & visions, yet they can also appear in physical form. Some bring messages & teachings while others offer protection & warmth. As we grow in relationship with them, we can develop a deeper connection to the Earth & our own core natures.

In this workshop, explore different ways to recognize the presence of an animal guide & maintain an active relationship with them. In guided meditation, create a connection with your animal spirit guide & discover what they seek to share.

The kind of support that animal spirits offer is unique—they teach us how to go deeper within, healing heart & spirit. Their colors, natures & ways of thriving in their environments teach us how to move forward in our lives, too, aligned to the deeper mysteries around us.

$35 | $30 for enrolled students