
Animal Energy Healing I 

Thoughts & emotions possess energy that can impact animals.

Learn how to release & transform this energy.


Learning how to share healings with animals creates stronger connections between us while it also brings peace & vitality into the home.

Depending on what an animal experiences, their subtle body may take on energies that affect heart & spirit, body & mind. In an energy healing, we help clear away imbalanced energy that can impact an animal’s thoughts, feelings & health. 

Tension, illness & behavior issues can clear, as healing energy moves where it is needed. As we establish a more natural flow of energy through an animal’s field & body, animals can center their attention on growing & enjoying life.



Subtle Body Healings

Learn how to:

• Establish an energetically protected environment to perform healings in
• Ask an animal for permission to give a healing
• Give a body scan to assess an animal's condition
• Share a pranic energy healing that gently clears & replenishes an animal's chakras, aura & meridians
• Work with a healing guide who is skilled at healing animals

• Healings for different species—where to position yourself & how to focus on different species' body types
• Clear energy from the space that an animal lives in or uses, i.e., a fish tank, bird cage or dog crate
• Recognize compassion fatigue & when you have taken on energy from an animal or their guardian, then release this foreign energy & replenish
• Share your observations & post-healing recommendations for gemstones, flower essences, etc. with animal guardians


• Provide a healing in-person or long-distance

• Staging a healing in emergency situations or with a feral animal

• Structuring short & long healings


Self-Care for Healers

When we exchange healings, we can encounter the emotions, energy & concerns that the recipient is holding. By setting up our energy fields prior to a healing, checking in with our fields during a session, then releasing & replenishing afterwards, we establish healthy boundaries that support a safe, deep session.

Key Skills:

• Establish a grounded, energetically protected environment to perform healings in
• Give healings without taking on someone’s energy, issues & emotions
• Acupressure points & breathing patterns that keep you centered & grounded
• Let yourself receive a healing while you share one
• “Clean out” after a healing session by resetting your field & clearing the room energetically
• Give yourself healings to replenish & re-set your field



Course Components

Classes currently meet online although in-person classes will hopefully return soon.

• 8-Week Class- 16 hours of live online classes focused on animal energy healing & body scanning techniques as well as on self-care for your own body & field. For at least half of each class, students practice giving healings.

• Guided Meditations- Downloadable MP3 recordings of each meditation & healing activity

• Handouts- Downloadable reviews of specific healing & meditative techniques, with images of the energy body

• Online FB Group- Share ideas & questions over the week between classes, engaging with classmates & experiencing community

• Journaling Topics- Every week, receive journaling prompts that help you reflect on the nature of healing & your relationship to animals & energy.

• Suggestions- Sharing healings professionally & with your animal companions while maintaining a personal self-healing practice



Intuitive Fundamentals I

Schedule & Registration

Class Schedule & Dates

Mondays, 6-8 pm EST from September 9-October 28, 2024

Class Location

Classes currently meet online over the Zoom video platform.

Instructions for using this video platform are given prior to the start of the course.


$400 for 8 weeks of classes

Can be paid in 2 parts, at $200/month for 2 months

To register or inquire about a class or payments, click on the "Inquire" button.



Cancellation Policy