The Gift of Healing
Like a physical body gathering dirt, our subtle energy bodies take on foreign energy. As they process the stimuli we’re exposed to each day, intense emotions & thoughts can build up as energetic debris. This can block our ability to feel our true emotions, think clearly & access our innate power.
Our subtle bodies are responsible for releasing this charged energy, yet this sometimes proves challenging. Like our physical bodies, the energy body thus benefits from regular cleanings— an energy healing provides a gentle yet thorough “bath,” in a sense.
As a healer releases energy from your aura, chakras & body, space opens for your own replenishing energy to return. Emotions & thoughts can transform & the body heal as the spirit connects in more deeply. With our sense of wholeness deepened, we can find ourselves renewed.

Replenish & Support
The Benefits of Energy Healings
Healings get our energy in movement, bringing a new dynamic into our lives. Below, explore specific gifts that a healing can share as it refreshes your inner space:
• Heal from illness & injuries more quickly & deeply
• Greater vigor & endurance
• Carry less tension & trauma in the body
• Maintain a clear focus & calm thoughts
• Access the higher mind, your spirit’s inner wisdom
• Balance the creative & analytical aspects of mind
• Feel secure while experiencing & expressing emotions
• Clear energy that creates anxiety, depression, etc.
• Release trauma to establish a calm, responsive inner state
• Strengthen the aura to take on less empathically from your environment
• Align more easily to your life path & inner purpose
• Wake your intuitive senses & connect to your spiritual essence

Receiving an Energy Healing
If you are curious about how to prepare for an energy healing, please read the following description of how to mindfully establish a space for a grounded healing to occur.
Prior to a healing, your healer will also establish a protected, clear healing space with well-defined energetic boundaries. This way, you will not take on each other's energies or emotions while relating energetically.
In-Person or Long-Distance?
Energy healings can be performed in-person or long-distance. The healing energy travels to you regardless of distance, guided by the healer's intent.
If receiving a healing long-distance, it is possible to meet over Zoom while the healing is being performed. Alternately, it can be beneficial to quietly meditate or lie down during the period that has been set aside for the healing. This can help you to experience the flow of healing energies more consciously. If you are unable to do so, that is also fine, & it will not affect your ability to receive the long-distance healing energy.
Before & After a Healing
If you are scheduled to receive a healing, please try to take 10 minutes beforehand to sit meditatively or to engage in calming activities such as reading, yoga or journaling.
However, if you do not have time to focus on healing prep, please do not feel concerned. The healing energy will be shared in a restorative, soothing way that sets a calm tone, regardless of any prior activities you may have been engaged in.
Following a healing, your body & spirit will be integrating the healing energy for the next day or so. Try to engage in low-stress activities, if possible, & to hit the “delay” button if any conflicts arise that you can attend to later. Eat mindfully & make drinking water a priority, as your system may be flushing out toxins.
Give to yourself—music, a nap, & time in nature. Show your spirit that you will continue the work that a healing begins.
Sharing the Results of a Healing
If you are present for your healing, either in-person or remotely over Zoom, I will take time after the healing to describe the shifts that occurred in your energy field. You can discover where you released energy & what kinds of healing colors & frequencies your spirit brought in.
You also have an opportunity to share what you experienced or ask questions about this. Recommendations for healing gemstones & flower essences can be made at this time, too.
If you receive a long-distance healing in which you are not present, details about what was observed can be shared in a short email transcript, with recommendations for flower essences & gemstones.

Kinds of Healing Sessions
Energy work can bring healing to a specific health issue or emotional concern. Healings can also focus on the energies that we experience as women & men, on our ability to connect with the Divine, on different life stages, etc. To these varied focuses, healings bring a sacred energy that enhances our sense of inner balance & well-being.
Healings at Ancient Suns are based in the pranic energy healing tradition, with some qi gong healing techniques as well. Below, please find examples of different energy healings that you can choose from.
Chakra/Aura Healing
In this healing, cleansing energy washes through the chakras, aura layers & major meridians in the body. The energy body’s connection to the Earth is strengthened, creating a stable foundation. With our energy systems flushed out, then filled with healing energy, we can feel calmer, emotionally lighter & more focused & energized. With our auras buffered & strengthened, we also take on less of the emotions, thoughts & energy in our environments. This way, we can relate to our lives & world with greater composure as we move through life more effortlessly.
Body Healing
This revitalizing healing focuses on releasing toxins, illness patterns & the memory of old injuries from the physical body. The organs, glandular system, blood, etc. receive assistance in clearing imbalanced energy. They then get reset for a higher level of health & comfort, with their connections to the body’s chakras & energy meridians renewed. With the energetic structure of the physical body reset, injuries & illnesses can heal more quickly. A deeper sense of connection to the body can awaken, along with a sense of inner balance & wellness.
Note- Clients can request a healing focused on specific physical concerns, if they wish.
60 Minutes $120
60 Minutes $120
Women’s Healing
The female energy body is gifted with its own mysteries & strengths. It also has its own needs & challenges. This healing balances the energy centers that are unique to a woman, helping them release foreign energy that can affect thoughts, mood, vitality & health. Bringing her spirit into alignment with her body, this healing refreshes a woman's innate essence. Empowered & able to connect more deeply within, she can open on new spiritual & emotional levels, create with greater freedom & relate more deeply.
60 Minutes $140
Men’s Healing
The kinds of energy that men run in their lives & bodies are unique—healing & honoring them can prove transformative. By resetting & strengthening the energy centers specific to a man, he can align with his core self more deeply. Feeling more present & empowered, he can pursue his goals with greater insight & energy. Experiencing a sense of inner balance, he can gain greater access to his emotions, creative strengths & intuition. This paves the way for stronger, more grounded relationships, a deeper spiritual experience & a renewed sense of potential in life.
60 Minutes $140
Astral Body Healing
The astral body is a unique part of our energy systems—activating while we sleep, it journeys through the mysterious spaces we explore in dreams. Over the course of its adventures, the astral body can take on foreign energy, leading to difficult dreams & trouble sleeping. An astral healing resets your dream- & sleep-space, clearing energy that affects your ability to sleep soundly & to move fluidly & creatively while dreaming.
Daily life can take on a magical texture if you refine & strengthen the energy that you hold while dreaming. In an astral healing, the connections between the astral body, aura, chakras & physical body are strengthened & cleansed. This allows sleep to deepen & dreams to become more vivid, while the spirit, heart & mind heal on deeper levels. The wisdom & creativity that we open to while dreaming can enter our daily lives more easily, too, empowering & inspiring us as we move forward.
A chakra/aura or body healing is recommended within the 2 months preceding an astral healing to ensure that your basic energy body is cleansed & balanced before working on the astral level.
60 Minutes $160
Divine Feminine & Masculine Healings
This healing expands upon the astral healing by focusing on how a woman or man's subtle body experiences the higher spiritual planes. Working with symbols, archetypes & the energy body, this healing establishes stronger connections to the Divine. Each gender’s subtle body hold unique abilities & can pass into unique energetic realms—by healing the female or male energy centers & meridians at the astral level, women can better access the divine feminine & men the divine masculine.
In plain speech, this means that these healings are empowering—they help bring the divine mysteries into daily life as recipients grow more integrated, reclaiming their inspiration & strength. They can experience a deeper sense of connection to their bodies & a restored sense of personal identity. They will also have more energy to put towards their personal vision. This helps them open to new potentials in life, relationships, career & spirituality.
A basic women’s or men’s healing is recommended within the 2 months preceding this healing to ensure that your core female or male energy is balanced before working at this higher level.
60 Minutes $160
Conception to Birth Healing
This healing focuses on your experience of conception, gestation & birth. Clearing energy that you were exposed to in the womb & at the time of birth, this healing helps you reclaim the personal essence that you came in with at the time of conception.
If we have experienced challenges in life or taken on a lot of programming from family or society, this healing renews our connection to the core self—we benefit from accessing the blueprint we created for our lives prior to conception. We also sometimes experience traumatic births in environments that are not stable or supportive. This healing can be transformative in such cases, as it helps release trauma that we may have carried for years.
Specific themes can be focused on, if desired, such as clearing familial conditioning or strengthening the subtle body at this early point in its development.
60 Minutes $160
Journey into Spirit Healing
A transition healing supports our ability to pass over. It strengthens the parts of the energy body that become active during the transition process—certain chakras, meridians & regions of the aura that activate to facilitate this change. This allows us to maintain greater awareness & energetic stability as we disconnect from our bodies & pass through the planes of the afterlife.
In this healing, our connection with the Akashic Records is also given support, which allows us to heal deeply, process our life experiences & prepare more easily for our next lives.
A transition healing can be shared with those who have transitioned, too, with a focus on the parts of the energy body that stay active once they pass on. Some people do not understand what has happened after they pass on, or they have difficulty moving forward through the planes of the afterlife—with healing assistance, their spirits can feel supported, & they can navigate more easily on this journey.
60 Minutes $160
Love Healing & Reading
Sometimes, we carry charged energy that affects our ability to feel or have love, experience desire, or share & receive tenderness. This healing helps you refresh the energy of love that you carry & share—it can bring in a new experience of desire & fulfillment, intimacy & trust.
This healing includes a mini-reading focused on the energy of love that you have been running in your life & body. It looks closely at the relationship between the 2nd chakra (sexuality & emotions) & the 4th chakra (love), harmonizing their action with the rest of your energetic system. Overall, it resets your energy body, so it can open to receiving love & sharing deeper states of intimacy.
90 Minutes $225
Additional Time
Time can be added during healing sessions in 15-minute increments.
Fee: $40 per 15 minutes
Flower Essences & Gemstones
During in-person & remote sessions, flower essences & gemstones can be incorporated into healings for an additional charge.
Fee: $25
Optional Follow-Up Work
Gemstones, Aromatherapy & flower essences
Recommendations for flower essences, gemstones & essential oils are shared as part of a session, at no additional cost. Using these tools, you can connect with the healing support that nature provides. These healing modalities can be used for yourself & in the home & workspace.
Clairvoyant Readings
To deepen our focus on self-healing & inner growth, we can receive clairvoyant readings. They give practical info about basic life questions regarding love, career, life-path, etc., yet they can also focus on exploring our soul purpose, spiritual growth & past life influences. With readings, we can develop more perspective on our lives & strengthen our understanding of the deeper transformations we are moving through.
Space Clearings for the Home & Workspace
An energy clearing for the home or personal workspace can be arranged if we find that your living space or work area carries charged, stagnant or otherwise imbalanced energy. A house or personal workspace clearing helps restore balance to your environment—it lets you focus more on your own growth, needs & joys as you engage more fully with your environment.