March Workshops
Spring Equinox Meditation
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 7-9 pm ET
In March, we emerge from the quiet of winter to the colors & new life of spring. This equinox, learn how to open to this time on a spiritual & emotional level—a sacred energy stirs at the equinox, & we can anchor its refreshing strength in the land & our lives by honoring it in meditation.
Engage in mindfulness meditation to discover how you connect to this season & what you need at this time. Continue with a restorative healing ceremony in which you release winter & set your energy field & spirit for spring. We will close with a guided visualization in which you explore the equinox’s teachings.
Every spring, we greet the blossoms & breezes with wonder. Honor this transformative time by holding space for it to emerge!
Fee: $35
Location: Zoom
Activating Your Creativity
Saturday, March 30, 2024 11 AM-1 pm ET
Creativity is an energetic force at its core. When we explore our creative vision, we awaken a powerful, transformative force within. By taking time to revitalize this force, we strengthen our creative potential & give it fresh life.
In this workshop, use your intuitive abilities to attune to the creative essence that is uniquely yours. Learn how to tell when it is flowing, blocked or recalibrating for a new creative journey. Discover what it needs at these times & how to give to it. Practice setting the energy of your creative workspace & clear the channels in your body through which creative energy flows.
Whether you are opening to your creativity or actively engaged in the arts, you can release blocks & limitations from your creative space—with your creative vision renewed, you can take it in directions you may not expect!
Location: Zoom

April Workshops
Flower Essences for Animals
Saturday, April 13, 2024 11 AM-1 pm ET
Flower essences are vibrational remedies that hold the energetic imprint of different flowers—flowers have unique information about how to thrive, protect ourselves & transform, based on how they have adapted to their environments.
Within the home & stable, we can use flower essences to nurture our animals’ emotional balance, redirect their behavior & strengthen our bonds. Professional animal communicators & healers can also use essences as an adjunct therapy.
This workshop identifies common concerns that flower essences address, exploring different essence lines & their offerings, especially animal-specific lines. It also explores the theory behind flower essences, ways to choose the right essence, how to administer essences to animals & how to make professional essence recommendations.
Students who have completed Animal Communication I can practice communicating with guest animals & making essence recommendations, with feedback & support.
Fee: $45
Location: Zoom
Nature Spirits of Spring
Saturday, April 27, 2024 11 AM-1 pm ET
Align with the forces that awaken in the spring. Attune to the subtle voices of the natural world & to the presence of nature beings.
Learn how to greet the nature spirits who help flowers to blossom & leaves to spread. Greet the soft breezes of spring & the rains that drench us. Working with the energy of these forces, let yourself transform as the Earth does.
This workshop is 2nd in a 4-part series that teaches about nature spirits & the elements by exploring how to connect with them each season. We will consider the role that key plant & tree spirits play each season as well as the teachings of the elements that are active at these times
Fee: $45
Location: Zoom

May Workshops
Self Love & Self-Image
Saturday, May 11, 2024 11 AM-1 pm ET
Can you see your own beauty & strength? Sometimes, if we make mistakes or pursue less common paths, we learn to criticize & punish ourselves. Instead, we can practice self-compassion.
When we operate from a place of self-acceptance, we bring a dynamic, centered presence into our relationships, careers & creativity. We transform our coping skills, giving our inner voice permission to advocate for the needs of the heart, body & mind. We accept both our vulnerability & our innate sense of self-direction.
In this workshop, learn meditative skills that honor your nature & light. Use clairvoyant visualization & energy healing to release programming from society, family, etc. that might dismiss your worth. Explore what you find magical about yourself as you learn energetic techniques to turn inwards, replenish & celebrate your unique presence.
Fee: $45
Location: Zoom
Connecting with Crystals & Gemstones
Saturday, May 25, 2024 11 AM-1 pm ET
Gemstones & crystals carry the wisdom of the inner Earth. Their colors & shapes are an expression of Earth’s deep & ancient spirit. Based on their mineral composition & inner structure, stones can share healing, protective & awakening energies—learn how to access these energies in meditation.
In this workshop, practice communicating with stones to discover their purpose & nature. Explore what their colors, shapes & spirits share as you open to their teachings. We will also discuss the care & cleaning of gemstones, safety protocols for using them, & how to set their energy with an intention.
By connecting with stones, we deepen our relationship with the planet, bringing a new level of mystery, healing & creativity to our lives.
Fee: $45
Location: Zoom