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Women's Energy Healing

Deepen your acquaintance with female energy.

Learn how its flow impacts your life.


What does it mean to be a woman, on an energetic level? The female body is gifted with its own mysteries & strengths. It faces its own needs & challenges.

This class explores the energy centers & meridians that are unique to a woman—it asks how a woman’s field works with energy differently than a man’s. It teaches us how to replenish this field, to help it harmonize with our bodies & lives.

Learn healing techniques to soothe & enliven the female subtle body. As you provide yourself & other women with gentle, deep healings, learn how to align your female energy with your life.


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Learn Healing Techniques to:

• Assess how a woman’s physical body is connecting with its subtle energetic form
• Scan female energy centers & meridians for imbalances
• Work with a healing guide skilled at healing the female energy system
• Clear blocks to bring female energy centers like the womb & ovaries into communication with one another
• Restore a woman's access to her original female essence

• Help energy move harmoniously between the female energy centers & the chakras, aura & physical body
• Heal the female aura, the energy field generated by your female subtle body
• Release unwanted attachments from ex-partners, family, colleagues, etc.
• Strengthen the energy body’s connection to the nurturing, feminine nature of the Earth



• Practice sharing a woman’s healing standing beside a massage table or chair or while seated, such as during a reading

• Give yourself women’s healings

• Establish an energetically protected environment to perform healings in

• Release energy & emotions that you pick up during a healing


Creating & Releasing

Just as a woman’s body differs from a man’s, so does her energy system.

Women hold unique responsibilities & meet many demands—since the female system focuses intensely on creating, a woman’s energy body sometimes needs help learning to release. It can hold on to stagnant, charged energy that affects her mood, thoughts & body. Beyond this, such energy can affect her ability to move forward in her life. Energy healings for a woman’s female energy centers & meridians help her to be in sync with the present, releasing older energies that can slow her down & affect her vitality.

Restore your sense of vitality & peace, exploring the mysteries of the female vibration. Help other women develop a deeper sense of seniority within their lives & bodies, as you transform & heal the feminine.


• Intuiting when a woman’s healing might be preferable over other types of energy healings

• How a woman’s healing can help following a pregnancy & during challenges in one’s monthly cycles

• Balancing the feminine & masculine energies that a woman runs, so they can align & work together

• Making flower essence, gemstone & aromatherapy recommendations following a healing


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Course Components

Classes currently meet online although in-person classes will hopefully return soon.

• 6-Week Class- 12 hours of live online classes focused on healing, body scanning & setting up a protected energy field. For at least half of each class, you practice giving healings to yourself & others.

• Guided Meditations- Downloadable MP3 recordings of each meditative & healing activity

• Handouts- Downloadable reviews of specific healing or meditative techniques, with images of the energy body

• Online FB Group- Share ideas & questions over the week between classes, engaging with classmates & experiencing community

• Suggestions- Sharing healings professionally & maintaining a personal self-healing practice


Intuitive Fundamentals I

Energy Healing I & II

This ensures that you will know how to maintain a stable, protected energy field during healings.

Schedule & Registration

Class Schedule & Dates

Mondays, 11 am-1 pm ET, from October 14-November 18, 2024

Class Location

Classes meet online over the Zoom video platform.

Instructions for using this video platform are given prior to the start of the course.


A $350 exchange is requested for this 6-week class. 

To register or inquire about a class or payments, click on the "Inquire" button.



Cancellation Policy