Animal Communication FAQs
Theory & Practice
We often experience a subtle sense of knowing when we are with our animal companions—we can feel like we sense their feelings or are exchanging unspoken information. Still, it can be hard to verbalize what we experience when we connect this deeply, as it can have a profound emotional & spiritual quality.
This intuitive connection is typically called animal communication, interspecies communication or animal telepathy. It can take many forms & be considered from a variety of perspectives, from the scientific to the spiritual.
What Is Interspecies Communication Like?
Kinds of Intuitive Communication
We have 5 physical senses that help us register what occurs in the physical world, yet we also have a subtle energy body that possesses its own sensory array. When animals communicate with us intuitively, we pick up on their communications using this energetic sensory array. Different chakras pick up on different kinds of intuitive communication—the empathic 2nd chakra near the belly might pick up on a feeling, while the 6th chakra in the forehead might receive a visual message.
We can clairaudiently hear animals' words, clairvoyantly perceive pictures that they send & empathically feel the emotions & physical sensations that they share. Other times, a deep intuitive knowing can relay an animal’s ideas & emotions. Some animals even speak through dreams.
They do so to discuss challenges that have cropped up in the home, yard or stable. Yet they also reach out to share their emotions, questions & spiritual perceptions. As we communicate in response, we can strengthen our bonds, learn more about the dynamics in our homes & deepen our understanding of the natural world.
To see the ethical guidelines followed at Ancient Suns,
please link to The Code of Ethics for Interspecies Communication.
Is Telepathic Communication Different from a Psychic Reading?
Psychic readings are profound & useful—as we read information intuitively through a clairvoyantly-received image, for instance, we can find out about someone's physical, spiritual, mental & emotional states.
Telepathic communication takes this one step further—within the give & take of a conversation, animals get to share their ideas & beliefs as well as their concerns, needs & questions. We can send words, pictures & feelings back & forth, discovering what an animal hopes to learn & experience.
Our animals welcome this chance to communicate, as it helps them to feel welcomed into a larger community. As they discover that you wish to relate to them at this deeper level, their sense of wonder, gratitude & excitement grows. Their emotions & behavior can transform, as can your understanding of what you can experience together.
What We Can Speak Of?
In a communication session or class, meeting in-person or online, we can communicate about a variety of topics. Below are some common examples, yet the list is endless—it really depends on what you hope to share or resolve with your animal companion.
• "How can I help make your life better?"
• "Which foods do you prefer?"
• "How does your body feel?"
• "What games do you like to play?"
• "Do you feel confused by anything that happens in our home?"
• "Is there a job you'd like to have in the house, or could you describe the job you’ve taken?"
• "Would you like to share your purpose in life?"
• "I'd like to tell you about an upcoming move."
• "Let's get ready for a trip to the vet!”
• "Do you understand that there can be consequences if a certain behavior doesn’t change?"
• "Let’s talk about my new relationship!"
• "Would you welcome a new animal in our home?"
• "How can I help you as you grow older? Do you need anything to feel comfortable?”
What are the Stages of a Communication?
Initially, we enter a still, quiet space within, using meditation & breathwork. In this meditative state, we take time to establish a stable, well-defined energy field. This involves creating a strong grounding into the Earth and strengthening our auras.
When we have composed our personal energetic fields, we are able to connect with our animals from a centered, stable & protected space. In this meditative state, we can access a deeper level of awareness. Our animals can also sense the clarity of our fields & presence—they feel comfortable connecting with us.
An Intuitive Exchange
Next, we can reach out to our animals, sharing a message telepathically & seeing what they might wish to say. Some communications can be long & some short, but each one teaches us & brings us into a closer rapport with our animal companions.
At this time, we can also see if our animals would like to receive healing energy. As we gently wash healing light through their fields, we soothe their emotions, strengthen their bodies & protect their energetic forms.
Integration & Release
Once you have thanked your animal & said goodbye, you can contemplate & honor what you learned.
At this time, you can also use energetic techniques to release any charged emotions, thoughts or energy that you may have exchanged. This allows both of you to separate energetically, strengthen your personal boundaries & refresh yourselves, closing the exchange.
How Do We Connect Telepathically?
Quantum Physics & Interspecies Communication
Quantum physics has shown that subtler energetic planes exist beyond the third dimension—we have learned that physical matter is itself composed of highly concentrated energy. This means that we are ultimately energetic beings, fields of energy relating in vaster energetic fields. Our ability to use our subtle energy within this energetic terrain is what makes telepathic communication possible. When our energy fields align with the fields of the other beings who dwell here, we can communicate with them at this subtler level.
Regarding this, quantum physics speaks of the “law of entanglement.” This law states that our energy fields are all continually in contact, or “entangled,” since they are made of energy. Basically, since energy is diffuse, our fields lack clear, concrete borders. Therefore, the distinct lines that we see separating physical bodies are not real divisions—our energy fields are always connecting.
This leads to the “principle of nonlocality.” Quantum physics has proven that information, or energy, can be sent nonlocally. This means that it can travel across great distances without the use of physical means. The law of entanglement makes this possible—interactions between our energy fields can always take place, however far apart we are.
The telepathic communications that we send transmit nonlocally—our intentions drive them. Messages, or information, are sent through our interconnected fields, guided by our will, or intention.
These concepts form the scientific basis for telepathic exchanges—we are applying principles from quantum physics to understand what many describe as a spiritual experience. In a nutshell, to send a message, we align with an animal’s energy, sensing and focusing on their essence. This means that we attune to the energetic frequency that the animal exists at. As we come into resonance with the animal’s field, the vibration that is uniquely theirs, we open an energetic pathway along which energetic transmissions can pass. In this sense, our fields “entangle” at a more conscious level than we might normally be aware of. With this connection, messages can be sent & received.