Intuitive Fundamentals I

Core Psychic Skills

Renew your energy throughout the day-

Learn an active style of meditation

that stimulates & refines your intuitive abilities.


We live in a world that is as energetic as it is physical. To navigate this energetic realm, we possess intuitive senses, counterparts to our 5 physical senses. We can use these senses to explore our world on a deeper level but also to replenish & protect ourselves.

In this class, we explore the structure of the energy body—how to protect, strengthen & use the chakras, aura & meridians. We wake our clairvoyance to better observe what goes on around us & within. We practice using clairvoyance for self-healing. With this level of awareness activated, we can release energetic blocks, reclaim our life force & actively draw what we need & desire into our lives.

When we use energy to transform our lives, we start to function in the manner that we were designed to. We find our ground & center. As beings who are both physical & energetic, we give ourselves permission to be whole.

This course is the prerequisite for other classes at Ancient Suns.



Learn Meditative Techniques to:

• Give your aura stable boundaries that create a protective buffer around you
• Awaken your clairvoyance for self-healing
• Refresh & support the chakras to deepen your emotional & spiritual life
• Create a deep connection to the Earth that establishes a strong foundation for your life

• Practice psychic self-protection skills
• Release imbalanced thoughts & emotions from your body & energy field
• Perform energetic space clearings on rooms
• Use clairvoyant visualization to strengthen your manifestation skills



• Breathing techniques to deepen the connection between your spirit & body

• Protecting yourself from taking in too much as an empath

• Manifestation exercises to channel energy towards your abundance

• Grounding not just the body, but the aura & chakra system as well


Practical Tools for Empaths

If you’re empathic, & you take on the emotions, thoughts & energies of others, awakening your clairvoyance is a game-changer.

Clairvoyantly, you can observe when you absorb foreign energy. You can also see what this energy looks like, & what it brings into your life & energy field. Using clairvoyant visualization, you can then release this energy. In addition, as you clairvoyantly observe, heal & protect your aura, you create boundaries that reduce the emotions you take in from others.

Performing these steps in meditation allows us to feel supported & focused. It helps to resolve compassion fatigue for healers, teachers, performers or otherwise give deeply to others. Beyond this, it provides an opportunity to attune to ourselves, as we create space within to experience our own emotional responses & understandings.


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Intuitive Fundamentals II

Energy Body Dynamics

Open to the Inner Landscape

as You Explore Your Energetic Nature

Having learned how to cleanse & protect your energy body, explore different ways to use it. In this Level 2 course, establish a working knowledge of your spirit. Each session focuses on a different chakra, exploring what it brings to your emotions, spirit & life.

As you become more familiar with your energy body, you also learn techniques to reclaim clarity, focus & a stronger sense of self—cord release, karma clearing, energetic color theory, & much more. Simultaneously, you practice the art of clairvoyance, reading images psychically to wake your inner vision.

Learn foundational intuitive skills to stimulate the creative, healing forces within you. See what a dynamic energy system looks & feels like as you learn what it can do.


Learn Energetic Techniques to:

• Use color frequencies as healing tools
• Develop a personal understanding of the pictures you see clairvoyantly
• Practice deeper levels of psychic self-protection—remove energetic cords, recognize & heal an energetic attack, etc.
• Clear karma between yourself & others
• Clairvoyantly read the colors in each aura layer to understand the energies that influence your life

• Bring your awareness into the present using visualization & breath work
•  Read the energy between people in relationships
• Catalyze the feminine & masculine energies in your energy body to create a dynamic, receptive field
• Work with the power of the Earth’s elements as you move through the chakras they align with
• Learn psychic tools to move smoothly through periods of intense change


Clairvoyance Practicum: Chakra Focus

Put the clairvoyant reading skills you’ve developed to use by reading the chakras:

• Assess the condition of the chakras by clairvoyantly reading their energy.

• Stimulate the energy within the chakras using clairvoyant visualization.

• Become familiar with the intuitive & healing potentials each chakra holds by seeing them clairvoyantly.


Cultivate Your Light

Understand & Activate the Chakras

Tend the space in which your spirit connects with your body—ascend the ladder of the chakras, the 7 energy centers that range up the spine to the crown.

When learning how to clear & revitalize your energetic system, it’s important to have a structure to focus from—we use the chakra system as a scaffolding for this course because each chakra brings unique gifts into your life. You emerge from this course not only with new psychic tools & enhanced self-awareness but with a stronger inner alignment.


Key Traits the Chakras Nurture:


1st Chakra Your ability to build a secure foundation for your body & life
2nd Chakra Feeling emotion, sensuality & empathy
3rd Chakra Self-empowerment & the ability to direct your life
4th Chakra Experiencing emotional intimacy & a sense of affinity for yourself & others

5th Chakra Communicating your truth creatively, with ease
6th Chakra Seeing with your inner vision & creating dynamic pictures to guide your life
7th Chakra Accessing your innate wisdom & holding personal authority within


Course Components

Intuitive Fundamentals 1 6-week class- 15 hours total— 2.5 hour class session/wk

Intuitive Fundamentals 2 7-Week Class- 17.5 hours total—2.5 hour class session/wk

• Class Location: Classes currently meet online over the Zoom video platform. If enough Athens locals request an in-person class, we can schedule one, so feel free to inquire.

• Interactive Learning Environment- Live online classes in which you can share your experiences & get feedback on your questions & observations

• Guided Meditations & Handouts- Downloadable MP3 recordings of each meditation activity & PDF

• Online FB Group- Share ideas & questions over the week between classes, engaging with classmates & experiencing community

• Journaling Topics- Every week, receive journaling prompts that help your intuitive right brain to open as you explore your inner world

• Suggestions for setting up a personal meditation practice & using meditative tools in daily life

Schedule & Registration

Intuitive Fundamentals 1

Thursdays, 1-3 pm ET from October 24- December 5, 2024

Intuitive Fundamentals II

Thursdays, 1-3 pm ET from January 10-Feb 21, 2025

Payment Information

Intuitive Fundamentals I: $275

Intuitive Fundamentals II: $325

To register or inquire about a class, click the "Inquire" button.



Cancellation Policy