How long have you had your animal & where did you get them? (A breeder, shelter, private home, the street, etc.)
If you have any concerns about challenges or stress that your animal may deal with from that time, please share them here.
Here, you can ask if your animal has any specific messages or questions for you.
For instance, you can ask:
"Is there anything that you don't understand about your new life?"
"Is there anything that you need in your new home?"
"Would you like to share any thoughts or feelings about our family?"
Are there any messages or instructions that you want to share with your animal about how to behave?
For instance, animals sometimes don't understand that they're doing something wrong or why things are done a certain way. A person might see this as a behavior issue, yet an animal can see it as a lack of information.
Please identify any concerns that you have about behavior & state what you hope your animal can do instead, as well as why. This way, your animal can better understand how the house works & what you can achieve together.
When a new animal comes into the home, they learn how to fit into the schedule you've created for your life. They can adapt to your schedule better when they understand when & why certain things occur.
If you want to explain anything about your schedule, please do so here.
For instance, animals don't always know why we leave the house regularly. Telling them when we'll be going & returning can help them to feel more secure. Similarly, showing them a picture of when they'll be fed or go outside for walks helps them know they'll be cared for.
Please list up to 5 questions that you would like to ask your animal to help you get to know each other.
For example:
"Could you explain why you do _____?"
"Of your different foods & treats, is there one that you prefer?"
Please share any ideas or feelings that you'd like your animal to know.
For example:
"I love & respect you, & I hope you feel welcome in our home."
"You play games so well! You make our home feel so playful!"