Central Concern
Please describe what prompted you to seek a healing—an illness, injury or emotional concern, etc. Note when you first observed it & how long has it been going on.
Your Animal's State
If your animal is in discomfort, how do they let you know?
You can also describe your animal's emotional or mental state in relation to any illness, injury or life event.
Prior Treatments
What kinds of treatments have you sought & what results did you observe?
(Treatments can be varied, such as consultations with a vet, dietary changes, medication, flower essences, massage, chiropractic or energy work.)
Responses to Vet Visits
If your animal finds trips to the vet challenging, we can communicate so your animal understands the reasons for a visit & how to maintain a sense of security during it.
Please share any concerns you have about vet visits or treatments, as well as anything you'd like your animal to know about them.
Changes & Environmental Factors
Please describe anything that changed in your home or the animal’s life, before or since the health concern began.
For instance, you can consider changes in food, training, medication or supplements, as well as a move, the arrival or departure of another animal or person, or any major life changes of your own.
Consider environmental factors, too, such as any new chemicals in the home or yard.
Your Vision of Health
What is your vision of your animal’s optimal wellness?
Here, you can also share messages with your animal about health, vet visits, & how you feel about your bond.