Open to Your Spirit & Vision
Explore your intuitive abilities in spiritually-focused yet playful classes. Develop your energy healing skills, too, training in healing techniques for both people & animals.
Ancient Suns also offers personal energy healings, clairvoyant readings & animal communication sessions. As you gain insight into relationships, challenges & your own potential during sessions, you set the stage for inspired, dynamic growth. Space clearings for the home, stable & business go a step further, establishing an environment that your life & visions can unfold in.
Come explore the offerings at Ancient Suns & open to the world of energy!
Upcoming Classes
Intuitive Fundamentals I
October 2024
Learn how to protect, strengthen & use your aura & chakras—replenish your energy & bring a more dynamic presence to your life. As you stimulate your clairvoyance, practice using your psychic abilities to observe your energy & emotions. With this enhanced inner awareness, you can pursue deeper levels of transformation, inner healing & creativity.
Pre-requisite for other classes at Ancient Suns
Energy Healing I
September 2024
Learn how to share a restorative healing with yourself & others. Practice cleaning the aura & chakras, then refresh them with empowering, vibrant energy. Like the physical body gathering dirt, our energy bodies take on charged energy—as we release it, we restore our ability to feel secure & calm, creative & dynamic.
Animal Communication I
September 2024
Animals’ eyes express their deep emotions & thoughtful natures. Animals also use movement & sounds to show us what they need. Yet their spirits speak as well, inviting us to connect on a deeper level. Learn how to send & receive telepathic messages as you simultaneously establish a grounded, energetically protected field from which to connect.
Animal Energy Healing I
September 2024
Significant changes & the events of daily life affect animals, influencing their emotions, thoughts, health & behavior. Our animals therefore benefit from the gentle release that energy healings provide. Discover the unique vitality & inner balance that animals can manifest as you learn how to share healing energy.
Integrating the mind, body & emotions starts with recognizing the presence of the spirit
We are more than physical, thinking beings. We feel deeply, within.
We also possess spirits that manifest "subtle energy bodies" to connect with our physical forms.
We can work with this subtle energy to replenish ourselves & heal the body, mind & emotions.
Learn how to work with your energy—
see how life changes when the wisdom, strength & mystery of your spirit are factored in.

Communicate with Animals Intuitively
Learn interspecies communication in a creative, respectful & spiritually-focused atmosphere. Tap in to the awareness you've always had—you may just need time & focused attention to wake this ability.
Discover how to enter a quiet, still space within, reach out to an animal to communicate telepathically, then honor what you've learned.
Workshops at Ancient Suns focus on a variety of subjects.
Animal-focused workshops cover topics such as healing grief at the loss of an animal, journeying with animal spirit guides & treating animals with flower essences.
Workshops on nature or specifically human concerns can focus on communicating with nature spirits, the energetics of financial abundance, clearing the energy of old relationships, & much more.

Clairvoyant Readings
Clairvoyant readings open a window onto a deeper world.
Whether you explore another time in a past life reading or consider the symbols & colors held in your aura, clairvoyant readings help you understand the forces that are active in your life. They carry information about how you can transform—the simple act of reading begins this process.
Come encounter a potent vision of your life—play with the colors, archetypes & stories that you find.
Responsive Communication
Animal communication sessions allow us to discover what our animal companions need, love & hope for.
Whether you have a message to share, questions to ask or loving support to offer, a communication session helps your bond to grow as your understanding of one another deepens.
Explore the communication sessions at Ancient Suns & experience the unique connections they help establish.

Contact Ancient Suns Intuitive Arts to register for a class, ask a question or request a reading, healing or communication session.